Pearl x Pike - Due Mar 19, 2025
Ch. Magnum’s A Rare Find x Ch. Epics Northern Pike
Pearl is out of S’mores and Oti. Oti was frozen semen from 15 years prior! She is a large girl, very energetic and extremely sweet. She is co-owned with my dear friends the Kurz’s. Pike has passed away, but he was a very sweet, calm, squishy boy. We’re hoping these babies are just as amazing as their parents!

Voodoo x Farva - Due Mar 1, 2025
Ch. Magnum’s Voodoo You Think You Are x
Ch. Magnum’s Present Past & Beyond
We are very excited to finally have a litter out of our Voodoo! Voodoo is out of Arai x Sheldon (second breeding) and Farva is out of Aspen x Viggo (first breeding of Arai x Sheldon). This should really produce some outstanding pups! Voodoo is very active, loves chasing balls and is absolutely the biggest CUDDLE MONSTER ever. Farva is the happiest boy, he had a ocd lesion on his knee cap (environmental, not genetic)…. so he basically had a TPLO done to help that. I was really worried he wouldn’t heal to finish. I sent him to live with our dear friends, the McKibbins. They rehabbed him for me and he went on to win WINNERS DOG at the National. What a win. He is absolutely gorgeous – had it not been for that silly surgery, he would probably be my BIS Mastiff. Anyhow, these pups are going to be very special.